Music Ministry

The historical tradition of music as central to Moravian Worship services continues today as a large variety of music is performed regularly at Lititz Moravian through congregational singing and the efforts of several choirs:

Voice Choirs:  Senior and Junior
Instrumental:  Trombone and Bell
Contemporary Praise Band:  Glory Be Good

and a resident string orchestra composed of mostly congregational members.  In this way, music accesses the exceptional and powerful stirrings of the heart in service to the worship and praise of God.

Our newest organization is the symphony orchestra, the Lititz Moravian Collegium Musicum.  It is a professional ensemble of select instrumentalists from central Pennsylvania and surrounding states that provides a rare glimpse into a unique facet of musical life and culture in early Lititz. The Collegium specializes in live performances of repertoire from the church’s significant early music manuscript collection, freshly edited by the Collegium’s music director and conductor, Dr. Jeffrey S. Gemmell, Director of Music Ministries at the Lititz Moravian Congregation.