Pastor Mark V. Breland is married to his wife, Dee, and has three sons. He grew up in the Second Moravian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. He was ordained in 1990 and has served as pastor of the Redeemer Moravian Church in Philadelphia, as a team pastor at the Lake Mills Moravian Church Wisconsin and the Haverford and Second Moravian Churches in Indianapolis. He has been pastor at Lititz Moravian since 2007.
Pastor Sayward E. G. Lippincott is married to her husband Kevin Lippincott, and they have three children. Her home congregation is Graceham Moravian Church in Graceham, Maryland. She served in First Moravian Church of York, Pennsylvania just 5 days shy of 15 years. She graduated from Moravian College with a BA in English Literature and World Religion and Moravian Theological Seminary with a Masters of Divinity Degree.