Intentional Christmas

It's almost Christmas! Forty-nine days as I write this article on Nov 6th. I want to enter more into the holiday season than
I have been able to in the past couple of years. December is ridiculously busy. I want to feel like I have a Christmas, and
it's not just one more thing to cross off the L O N G list of things to do. I must be more intentional about spending my
time in December. To incorporate those things, when I think about Christmas, they come to mind—oysters, Dandelion
Wine, Christmas Cookies, Christmas Lights, music, fire in a fireplace, and an advent devotional. Some of those things are
simple, and some of those things will be a bit more complicated. Some of those things will require planning and
time. But all of those things will need me to be intentional. Intentional means, according to the dictionary, done on
purpose; deliberate.
God was intentional when God sent Jesus. Sending Jesus was done on purpose; it was deliberate. The reasoning was so our
relationship with God could be made whole again through Jesus. The purpose was to give us an opportunity for
forgiveness and hope. The manger was designed with the cross in mind. The cross was deliberate to get to the empty
tomb. God's intentional acts were to show a depth of Love, a promise of Hope, an experience of Joy, and a peace that
would surpass our understanding every season of our lives, not just in December.
Stay Salty and Shine Bright,
Pastor Sayward Lippincott
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